WhatsApp may allow you to select video quality before sharing with contacts

2 July 2021, 6:17 pm
WhatsApp is rumoured to be working on several features for its users to make the messaging platform better than ever. One of the upcoming features that the Facebook-owned company might roll out soon is expected to allow users to select the quality of the video before sharing it with their contacts. At present, WhatsApp compresses the video quality in case a user shares high-quality videos with their contacts. With the compression in place, the receiver gets a low-quality video even if the sender has shared a high-quality one.
But this drawback might end soon, with the upcoming feature which is rumoured to be in the works. Using the video quality selection feature, a user will be able to select the quality of the video before sharing it with others.
At present, users have to switch to messaging platforms offering Rich Communication Services (RCS) to share high-quality videos with their contacts. But with the upcoming feature, users won’t need to switch to RSC offering messaging platforms.