‘9 in 10 Indians at ease with e-wallets shopping’

8 July 2021, 12:19 pm

As online shopping grows multifold amid the pandemic in the country, nine in 10 Indians strongly believe that digital wallets have made shopping easier and a vast majority (98 pc) of those surveyed have shopped at an online-only retailer in the past 12 months, a new global report showed on Wednesday.

The survey by from global payments provider Blackhawk Network found, which mined the views of 13,000 global shoppers, also found that 69 pc of respondents will shop more frequently at retailers that accept digital payments. India has emerged as a forerunner in mobile commerce adoption in comparison to its global counterparts. Over 54 per cent of the respondents said they will spend more money if they can use digital payment methods.

The findings showed 93 pc of Indian respondents prefer using digital wallets regularly as compared to their global counterparts’ average of 55 per cent.

The pandemic has intensified the demand for digital wallets as contactless payment is reckoned as the new normal. India being a very high cash-driven market, the digital payment industry is still very nascent, yet fast-evolving, said Theresa McEndree, global head of marketing, Blackhawk Network.