Vedanta puts its copper plant in Tuticorin on sale
21 June 2022, 11:51 am
Vedanta Ltd has decided to put its 4,00,000 ton per annum (TPA) copper smelter plant and refining complex at Tuticorin for sale.
The copper smelter plant complex is known as Sterlite Copper.
The company along with Axis Capital has called for Expression of Interest (EoI) for its smelter complex (primary and secondary), sulphuric acid plant, copper refinery, continuous copper rod plant, phosphoric acid plant, effluent treatment plant, 160 MW captive power plant, reverse osmosis units, oxygen generation unit and residential complex with amenities.
However, an environmental activist, who is against the Copper Smelter plant, wondered whether the company can sell the plant when a case is pending in the Supreme Court.