Scrutinize the credibility of companies before awarding contracts – Tamil Nadu Contractors Welfare Association…!
24 August 2023, 4:44 pmKCP Chandraprakash, secretary of Tamil Nadu contractors’ association insisted a thorough investigation on the history of the company to avoid fatal errors before allocating the project contracts in government sectors. In a press statement, KCP Chandraprakash highlighted that the selection process for contracting companies must be cautious, based on qualifications, past performance, and industry experience.
He also added, the ongoing Infrastructure projects, road and bridge construction works are being carried out by various departments including State National Highways, National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Public Works Department, Municipal Corporations, Municipal Corporations, Rural Development. A fair process should be followed in awarding contracts keeping in mind about the public interest.
Also, awarding contracts to unqualified contractors can lead to problems like cracks in the road, substandard bridges. For example, a railway bridge collapsed yesterday in Sairang, Mizoram, and many people lost their lives.
Therefore, before awarding contracts for major construction works like houses and bridges, the authorities should examine the experiences and achievements of the concerned company. Thus, by identifying quality companies and awarding contracts, such disasters can be avoided.
In particular, in awarding contracts, no favour should be shown to companies lacking qualifications and industrial credibility. Government departments across Tamil Nadu should take proactive steps to correct issues in contract allocation and ensure compliance. Companies with quality defects should be disqualified.
As Tamil Nadu state and the nation strive for progress, it is necessary to remain committed to the welfare of the people without compromise, he said.